A new podcast brought to you by Stanford Center on Longevity in collaboration with the Longevity Project.
Personal stories, expert insights
The pandemic has exposed the difficulties experienced every day by tens of millions of caregivers. As highlighted in Stanford Center on Longevity’s Spotlight on Caregiving, many were already facing daunting challenges that negatively impacted mental and physical wellbeing, as well as financial security. The spread of COVID-19 has only exacerbated these issues.
How do we take care of each other during a pandemic? A health care crisis? When we’re 24 or 64? Our new podcast, When I’m 64, aims to shed light on these challenges by bringing together the real-life stories of caregivers and the insights of leading experts.
Episode 11: "Caregiving in the Time of COVID: One Year In"
What have we learned about taking care of our loved ones during one of the worst health crises of our time? Today we talk to three caregivers who share how they’ve coped with a wide array of challenges. Then we talk to two leaders in the field to discover what they’ve learned: Grace Whiting the President and CEO of the National Alliance for Caregivers, and Jennifer Olson – the executive director of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving. Read more
Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen - "F**k Alzheimer's"
Taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s is an enormous challenge, one that some 16 million Americans will face in 2020.
COVID-19 has added a new and unprecedented layer of complexity to caregiving.
Isolation and loneliness pose significant challenges to caregivers and their loved ones, especially during a pandemic.
More than ten million millennials and members of Gen Z are caregivers to family members.
For caregivers, technology offers powerful solutions to even the most challenging obstacles for people who both give and receive care.
The enormous task of taking care of those with Alzheimer’s and dementia falls heavily on family and loved ones. Today we share stories – and insight on ways to cope with that burden.
Humor is a powerful tool that can bring us together in unexpected ways. Today we meet a caregiver who was inspired to create a company that creates connection – one laugh at a time.
It seems every caregiver struggles with questions about finances, yet it can be one of the hardest aspects of caregiving to discuss openly.
Who takes care of our wounded warriors when they return home? In this episode we look at the challenges military caregivers face.
Caregivers of Adults with (I/DD)
We often think of older adults as care recipients, but for parents of adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD), their caregiving journey can extend into their final years.