In an age of unprecedented longevity, a focus on lifelong individual financial security has never been more crucial. Combining research, policy and education, we  look at the issue from multiple perspectives ranging from individual financial literacy, the changing nature and role of work, common financial pitfalls such as fraud, and other key policy issues. Together, the Stanford Center on Longevity and Marsh & McLennan Companies have combined their expertise and capabilities to drive the dialogue forward by bringing together the best thinkers, policymakers and business leaders in order to facilitate a healthier state of long-term financial security for the individual and society.

For the full press release, click here.

Retirement in the Age of Longevity

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In May of 2012, the Stanford Center on Longevity, with the sponsorship of The New Retirement Forum™ and additional support provided by Marsh & McLennan Companies, convened a conference to discuss the increasingly complex arena of retirement planning and education in an age of increased longevity. We are using the outcomes from this conference to build our agenda and recommendations for future policy and research.

For more information on our conference, Retirement Planning in the Age of Longevity, click here.