Siew Kai Choy



My project(s) comprises New Map of Life elements of aligning health spans to life spans, life transitions and life-long learning.

My Longevity focussed journey started with my year on campus as a Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute Fellow where I took classes (and did projects) relating to Longevity. Upon my return to Singapore, I was appointed the Vice President (Vice Chair equivalent) of the Board of St Andrew’s Mission Hospital (SAMH), a leading healthcare/eldercare charity in Singapore. At SAMH, I believe that I am in a position to contribute to the Longevity discourse as Singapore enters transitions into a “Super-Aged” society.

Together with Abhi Patwardhan, another Longevity Ambassador, we co-lead the “Designing your 100 year Life/ Leading self for a 100 year life” courses for adult learners at the National University of Singapore School of Medicine. These courses are based on the New Map of Life and on Design Thinking principles.

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