Olga Pottle



While each life is precious and unique, there are so many common themes that contribute to one’s longevity journey. It’s great that through the Stanford Center on Longevity we now have access to quality actionable research with the potential to transform lives and communities. My mission as a Longevity ambassador is to bring together communities within my reach (and hopefully beyond it) to inspire actions to improve individual lives and lives of other people around.

I have enjoyed a 20-year career in management consulting, working with organisations and government institutions in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Mongolia. At present, I design and teach tailored programs on Leadership development and People management. My experience shows how much is still overlooked when considering longevity, particularly, in the corporate world. I strongly believe that learning about and implementing the New Map of Life can enrich People strategies of many (if not all) organisations.

Learn more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olga-pottle-chartered-mcipd-5845aa2?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app

Contact: [email protected]