Laughter Your New Prescription

Laughter: Your New Prescription

When was the last time you laughed? Do you remember the way it made you feel? Many people note that laughter can heal the soul, but what about other aspects of our health? From boosting your mood to enhancing social connectedness, laughter is one of nature’s feel-good remedies, and it has a positive clinical relevance in the treatment of mental, physical, and physiological conditions.

Recent reviews of randomized-controlled trials report reduced levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue when patients underwent laughter and humor-based interventions. Certain studies have even found humor to be beneficial in improving people’s ability to focus and remember different aspects of lectures, conversations, etc. Furthermore, the opportunity to share a laugh with other people helps to build stronger bonds and deeper connections, fostering a greater sense of belonging and helping crush feelings of social isolation and loneliness.

When our team reflected on how laughter could be used as a tool for a healthy lifestyle, it was agreed that laughter is much more than just a sound. Sometimes even just thinking of a time that you let out a big belly laugh is enough to brighten your mood and ease some of the stress from your body. Seeking opportunities to laugh and engage with others in such a lighthearted fashion may just be the tool many of us should embrace to lead happier and healthier lives. So, we encourage you to take a moment to relive the last moment you left out a laugh and reflect on the different ways it helped you at the time.

“Let laughter be our song. Listen for laughter. Enjoy. Chuckle. Smile. Laugh. Try it sometime, and see for yourself. “

– Dr. Bruce Feldstein, MD, BCC, Head of Gratitude & Reflection Pillar


By: Carly Smith, BS, MPH(c)


  1. Stiwi K, Rosendahl J. Efficacy of laughter-inducing interventions in patients with somatic or mental health problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2022 May
Aerobic & Resistance

Aerobic & Resistance Exercise Improves Sleep

Sleep, a fundamental element of human biology, plays a crucial role in various physiological processes. A good night’s sleep is essential for immune function, cognitive performance, emotional well-being, and overall physical health. Exercise is another critical lifestyle factor with tremendous potential to improve your health. Regular physical activity has numerous benefits, from reducing the risk of chronic diseases to improving mental health. However, could exercise improve your sleep?

Impact of Resistance Exercise on Sleep

A 2017 review found that “chronic resistance exercise improves all aspects of sleep, with the greatest benefit for sleep quality” in individuals with sleep problems. In this study, Kovacevic et al. employed a systematic review methodology by conducting an electronic database search of randomized controlled trials. Many studies fit the criteria, but three acute resistance exercise studies, seven chronic resistance exercise studies, and three combined aerobic and resistance exercise studies met the researchers’ inclusion criteria and were analyzed for sleep outcomes. The primary finding from this review was improvements in sleep from chronic exercise; these improvements were “moderate-to-large, and commonly affected overall sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, mid-sleep disturbance, and daytime dysfunction”. In comparison, the primary medications prescribed to improve sleep quality had “only small-to-moderate effects on sleep quality” and instead have “adverse effects such as rebound insomnia, depression and anxiety, cognitive impairment, and an increased risk of falls, cancer, and overall mortality” if used in the long-term. Kovacevic et al. call for further research and more data on aerobic exercise but cites an earlier paper that noted how aerobic exercise could improve sleep quality.

Furthermore, their work highlighted how “higher intensity and greater frequency of training offer greater sleep benefits”. More specifically, the chronic resistance exercises studied that had the most benefits included machine-based resistance exercise, circuit training, and resistance bands for an average duration of 14 weeks total with approximately 60 minutes per session. Studies with high exercise intensity as compared to low-to-moderate intensity, and with a frequency of 3 days/week as compared to 1-2 days/week, had a larger beneficial effect on sleep quality.

The review presented another pathway by which exercise could improve sleep; exercise improves levels of anxiety and depression, both of which deeply affect sleep — “notably, exercise has been shown to be an effective treatment for major depression and sleep disturbance is one of the core symptoms of depressive illness” and “the majority of chronic studies included in this review reported significant improvements in neuropsychological outcomes”.

Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Sleep

Additional research has also shown the further benefits of aerobic exercise for people with established sleep disorders. One study showcased how “4 months of aerobic exercise training in a sample of older adults with insomnia significantly improved sleep quality while also reducing daytime sleepiness and depressive symptoms”. Another study found that “12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic and resistance exercise resulted in a 25% reduction in OSA [obstructive sleep apnea] severity”. Lastly, studies have even shown that the circadian rhythms disrupted in neurodegenerative disease can be improved with exercise — “exercise has proven to be a low risk and beneficial intervention to improve overall health and sleep disorders in AD [Alzheimer’s disease] and PD [Parkinson’s Disease]”. In particular, “physical activity, even at low intensities, has been reported to improve sleep quality, reduce time to fall asleep, and increase the duration of sleep in the elderly… evidence indicates that exercise increases total sleep time and slow-wave sleep”.

We all strive for better sleep even if we do not have a known sleep disorder, and it could be within our grasp through a novel route. Exercising for an hour three times a week at high intensity with machine-based resistance exercise, circuit training, or resistance bands can improve your sleep quality and decrease issues in the day. Even once a week at a lesser intensity for 40 minutes showed beneficial effects! Sleep and exercise are significant pillars in lifestyle medicine, and it is fascinating how one affects the other. Rather than relying on medications that can have adverse effects, research suggest exercise is a natural way we can improve our sleep. While further research is needed, recognizing the interconnectedness of exercise and sleep as critical components of a healthy lifestyle is crucial.

By: Keshav Saigal, BS(c)


  1. Kline, Christopher E. The bidirectional relationship between exercise and sleep: Implications for exercise adherence and sleep improvement.” American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2014 August
  2. Kline, Christopher E et al. “The effect of exercise training on obstructive sleep apnea and sleep quality: a randomized controlled trial.” Sleep. 2011 December
  3. Kovacevic, Ana et al. “The effect of resistance exercise on sleep: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.” Sleep Medicine Reviews. 2018 June
  4. Memon, Adeel A et al. “Effects of exercise on sleep in neurodegenerative disease.” Neurobiology of Disease. 2020 July
  5. Reid, Kathryn J et al. “Aerobic exercise improves self-reported sleep and quality of life in older adults with insomnia.” Sleep Medicine. 2010 October
  6. Yang, Pei-Yu et al. “Exercise training improves sleep quality in middle-aged and older adults with sleep problems: a systematic review.” Journal of physiotherapy. 2012 September
Strength Training During Perimenopause

Strength Training During Perimenopause

Perimenopause is the 3-5 years of a woman’s life, leading into menopause, marking many changes in female body composition. Recent research has determined that the loss of lean, quality muscle, and fat gain are two common physical changes that many women face during this time. Our team highlights the importance of integrating regular strength and resistance training exercises to offset some of the physiologic changes of menopause. This is based on the vast body of research suggesting that maintaining muscle is critical for successful aging of the body and reducing the risk of injury as we get older.

As for what people should be doing during this period of life, there may be more benefits specifically for muscle composition from strength training than long, endurance exercise. One way to begin integrating this change is to prioritize lifting heavy – whatever heavy means to you! You should always remember to do what feels safe for you while still challenging your body and trying exercises that spread force throughout your body. To maximize the benefits for your muscles, research indicates that individuals that lift weights heavy enough to near failure in 4-6 reps see the largest gains in muscle strength when the exercise is maintained for 3-5 sets. For women new to strength training, this type of training regimen may require some getting used to, so it is okay to gradually work toward this goal over time, and prioritize safety at first. Dr. Stacy Sims, a member of our movement & exercise and nutrition pillars, advocates for this change and encourages women to emphasize lifting heavy to reap the most benefits throughout the menopause transition.Perimenopause is the 3-5 years of a woman’s life, leading into menopause, marking many changes in female body composition. Recent research has determined that the loss of lean, quality muscle, and fat gain are two common physical changes that many women face during this time.

“Overall, [we are] breaking the stigma that women need to prioritize long, endurance exercises and exclusively body weight work because they offer little benefits for body composition or lean mass during this time. Instead, lifting heavy (whatever that means to you) will help most during this transitional period!” – Dr. Stacy Sims

By: Carly Smith, BS & Stacy Sims, MSc, PhD


  1. Greendale et al. Changes in body composition and weight during the menopause transition. JCI Insight. 2019 March
  2. Schoenfeld et al. Strength and Hypertrophy Adaptations Between Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.  2017 December