How Exercise Improves Microbiome Health (and Vice Versa)

By Mary Grace Descourouez, MS, NBC-HWC  The human gastrointestinal…

3 Ways to Get (and Stay) Motivated to Exercise

By Carly Smith, BS, MPH(c)  One of the hardest parts about…

The Impact of Exercise on Brain Health and Preservation

By Carly Smith, BS, MPH(c)  The foundation of longevity…

The Unexpected Health Benefits of Forest Bathing

By Vedika Patani and Carly Smith, BS, MPH(c) This blog is…

Lifestyle Medicine Lessons from Makoyoh’sokoi (the Wolf Trail) Program 

Community health that embraces culture is an important aspect…

The Benefits of HIIT and Other Forms of Interval Training

By Maya Shetty, BS In an era where time is a precious commodity,…

Enhancing Health and Speed in Female Distance Runners Through Improved Diet

A groundbreaking nutrition study for female collegiate runners…

Practice of the Month: HIIT Workouts for All Levels

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an intense workout…

5 Tips for a Successful Pickleball Experience

In the summer of 2023, pickleball was a popular sport for…

Is Running Bad for Your Knees? Research Says, “No”

Many people believe running is bad for your knees, but this…