2/10/2015 – ABA Foundation Launches Safe Banking for Seniors

The ABA Foundation today formally launched its Safe Banking for Seniors program to help banks across the country educate seniors and their caregivers on the risks of financial fraud. Bankers can now take advantage of the program’s various resources, which include event materials, lesson plans, media outreach tools and best practices designed to help bankers bolster their outreach to seniors and financial caregivers in their communities throughout the year. All materials are provided free of charge. The program consists of four lesson modules on identifying and avoiding scams, identity theft prevention, choosing a financial caregiver and acting as a responsible financial caregiver. The modules can be taught as stand-alone sessions, or as part of a comprehensive suite of lessons.

The Safe Banking for Seniors campaign reflects ABA’s commitment to leading the charge against the financial exploitation of older Americans. The Foundation is joined by 30 state bankers associations that have pledged to promote these resources to bankers in their states in an effort to combat the estimated $2.9 billion in losses suffered by seniors each year as a result of fraud.

Go to the website here.