
Study Suggests the Benefits of Prebiotic Supplements Were Dependent on Dietary Fiber Intake

This small proof-of-concept study found something for further exploration: the high dietary fiber vs low dietary fiber interaction with different prebiotic supplements. The  study found that the supplements only affected those who weren’t taking in dietary fiber, thus taking prebiotic supplements may be ineffective if you already consume the recommended amounts of dietary fiber. The study included a very wide age range so the findings shouldn’t be printed on t-short quite yet, however it brings to light an interesting interaction. Ironically it’s often the people who already have a healthy diet that lean towards supplement intake even though they don’t need it!

By: Marily Oppezzo, PhD, MS, Head of Lifestyle Medicine Nutrition Pillar


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Journal Reference:

  1. Holmes ZC, Villa MM, Durand HK, Jiang S, Dallow EP, Petrone BL, Silverman JD, Lin PH, David LA. Microbiota responses to different prebiotics are conserved within individuals and associated with habitual fiber intake. Microbiome. 2022 Jul 29;10(1):114. doi: 10.1186/s40168-022-01307-x. PMID: 35902900; PMCID: PMC9336045.