Marshal Pang
Marshal Pang is an Executive Coach, a System Thinker, and an Optimist.
As an Executive Coach, Marshal builds deep cross-cultural and cross-generational connections to help executives make mega-transitions and make the unimaginable possible.
Prior to attending Stanford Business School, Marshal worked in strategy consulting, was the early member of creating a $4B joint venture cross US, Japan, and China. This project took him to live in Tokyo for 5 years and got to see cultural shifts in the making. Marshal later started a software startup inside the 100+ year old organization and created products that became a foundation infrastructure of Industrial Internet of Things.
By joining the Longevity Project, Marshal hopes to bring his experience as a life-long learner and explorer, and his expertise as a consultant, system thinker, and facilitator of mega transitions, deep connections, and meaningful relationship to support our new century-long lives, where life transitions become ordinary, and deep and meaningful relationship are essential for healthy and fulfiling lives.
Marshal was born in China, lived in the US for almost 20 years, and travelled to 40 countries. He enjoys snowboarding, triathlon, sailing, and having cross-generational conversations.