
Metabolic Psychiatry: Bridging Brain and Metabolic Health
By Maya Shetty, BS
In recent years, a groundbreaking field…

More Than a Gut Feeling: How Your Microbiome Affects Your Mood
By Maya Shetty, BS
Key Takeaways:
The gut and…

Considerations When Choosing Supplements
By Maya Shetty, BS
This blog is part of our Supplements newsletter.…

Vitamin D: Benefits, Sources, Deficiency
By Maya Shetty, BS
This blog is part of our Supplements newsletter.…

Supplements for Healthy Aging
By Matthew Kaufman, MD
This blog is part of our Supplements…

Supplements for Elite Athletic Recovery
By Caitlin Aguirre, Adrian Vallejo, Matthew Kaufman, MD

Marily Oppezzo, PhD: The Heart and Soul of Stanford Lifestyle Medicine’s Head of Nutrition
By Sharon Brock, MEd, MS
This blog is part of our Supplements…

Whole Foods vs. Greens Powders (and Other Supplements)
By Sharon Brock, MEd, MS
This blog is part of our Supplements…

Practice of the Month: Make Your Own Balanced Bowl
By Carly Smith, BS, MPH(c)
This blog is part of our Nutrition…

Lifestyle Medicine Physician Works with Veterans to Improve Nutrition
By Carly Smith, BS, MPH(c)
This blog is part of our Nutrition…