Lifestyle Medicine Pillars
Although the principles of Lifestyle Medicine are similar across institutions and societies, there are minor differences in proposed pillars. We selected our seven Lifestyle Medicine pillars: movement & fitness, healthful nutrition, restorative sleep, stress management, social engagement, gratitude & reflection, and cognitive enhancement. Recommendations are based on the rigor of evidence-based science and the potential for meaningful behavioral change.
New research has found that practicing gratitude has significant positive effects on our physical and mental wellbeing, helps you sleep at night, and even bolsters your immune system. An increasing body of research shows that practicing gratitude and reflecting on positive aspects of our lives regularly may increase our life satisfaction and our quality of life.
As our bodies age, our brains age as well. Cognitive enhancement refers to interventions aimed to enhance or preserve our brain's processing pathways, which naturally degrade over time. In doing so, our memory, concentration, attention, and information processing can be improved.