The Global Aging program focuses on the economic and political implications of population aging around the world as people live longer and have fewer children. Large variations in the timing and pace of fertility declines and longevity gains create dramatic differences across countries. Understanding these developments and trends is critical for addressing them wisely. Through its research and publications, the program stimulates public discourse on the challenges and opportunities associated with population aging.
Under the direction of Senior Research Scholar Adele Hayutin, the Center produced a study of California’s changing demographics. The 2011 report includes demographic profiles of more than 200 communities in California, illustrating shifts in age structure and changes in ethnic and racial composition. The project was developed for the California State Library to facilitate greater understanding of how demographic characteristics differ across the state and to help inform decisions regarding changing needs of local communities. Each profile incorporates data from the 2010 Census to illustrate the ten-year population shifts, and data from the five-year American Community Survey, 2005-09, for other variables, including education, income and immigration. Read more
“Changing Demographic Realities,” Independent for Life: Homes and Neighborhoods for an Aging America, April 2012
This chapter of SCL’s book on “aging in place” describes critical demographic shifts that must be understood to effectively meet the housing needs of an aging society. Read more
“California’s Aging Population, Not Forever Young,” June 2012
Analysis of population aging in California, showing how the unexpectedly slower growth in the young population combined with the relatively large baby boomer cohort will make the coming age shift even more challenging. Read more