Myra Strober

Professor Emerita, Stanford University

-Research and consulting on gender issues at the workplace and in higher education, multidisciplinarity, and the economics of childcare.

-Founding director of Center for Research on Women at Stanford, now the Clayman Institute for Gender Research

-Member first committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession -President of the International Association for Feminist Economics, and associate editor of Feminist Economics

-At GSE: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (1993-95); Interim Dean (Fall 1994), Chair of the Education/Business Joint Degree Program (2002-2007). Created first course in Gender and Higher Education. Taught The Economics of Higher Education

-Program Officer in Higher Education at Atlantic Philanthropic Services (1998-2000)

-Co-authored “Faculty Salaries and Maximization of Prestige,” Research in Higher Education, Winter 2007

-Co-authored Money and Love: An Intelligent Roadmap to Life’s Biggest Decisions, Harper One, 2023.

-Memoir: Sharing the Work: What My Family and Career Taught Me About Breaking Through (and Holding the Door Open for Others), MIT Press, 2016.