Bath Chair
Bath Chair (Mobility)
Tzu-Ping “Dawn” Hsu
University: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
Bath Chair is a portable bath designed to help the mobility-impaired safely wash themselves while remaining in a seated position. “My grandfather always sits on a chair to take a shower, which gave me the idea,” says Tzu-Ping Hsu, explaining the inspiration for her Bath Chair design. “I wanted to do something for seniors, so I entered the Challenge.”
Time Spent Developing Bath Chair
“A year. After endless trials, I created about four versions before deciding on the final design. This Bath Chair is my final year project at the University.”
Lessons Learned Designing Bath Chair
“Bathing seems to be a simple thing in daily life for most of us, but for those seniors with declining physical function, things are not as simple as we suppose. We should be more concerned about the needs and life quality of seniors.”
Future Plans for Bath Chair
“Continue improving the Bath Chair. Hopefully, I can someday make it real, so it can benefit seniors and help improve their quality of life.”