(Listed alphabetically)

Affordable Solar Cooling and Filtration Technology (Pan-African University, Algeria)
A solar powered refrigerator intended to preserve food longer and reduce food-borne illnesses.
A solar powered refrigerator intended to preserve food longer and reduce food-borne illnesses.

Den Mail (San Francisco State, USA)
A system for providing permanent mailing addresses to the homeless population.
A system for providing permanent mailing addresses to the homeless population.

The First Desk (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
An extremely low cost education station for rural youth.
An extremely low cost education station for rural youth.

Rural Auxiliary Equipment Pit Latrine (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
A solution to reduce falls and increase accessibility of stand-up toilets.
A solution to reduce falls and increase accessibility of stand-up toilets.

Prothoma (Bangladesh University of Professionals, Bangladesh)
A re-usable anti-microbial sanitary napkin.
A re-usable anti-microbial sanitary napkin.

School in the Sky (Brigham Young University, USA)
A cloud-computing based education system for very poor areas that links to U.S. students and retirees as mentors and teachers.
A cloud-computing based education system for very poor areas that links to U.S. students and retirees as mentors and teachers.

Shishu, Sui aur Dhaaga (Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, India)
Translates from Hindi to “Child, Needle and Thread.” Converts a common local cultural practice into an immunization tracker for infants.
Translates from Hindi to “Child, Needle and Thread.” Converts a common local cultural practice into an immunization tracker for infants.

VepoX (Makerere University, Uganda)
A water filtration solution using locally sourced materials.
A water filtration solution using locally sourced materials.