People Who Do Strength Training Live Longer

People Who Do Strength Training Live Longer — and Better

A consensus is building among experts that both strength training and cardio‌ are important for longevity.

How To Tell The Difference Between Soreness And Injury After A Workout – HuffPost

How To Tell The Difference Between Soreness And Injury After A Workout – HuffPost

” One red flag is swelling around a joint after a workout, according to Dr. Michael Fredericson, a sports medicine physician at Stanford Health Care.”

Any stiffness around joints in the knees, hips, ankles or lower back is also concerning, he said, while adding that stiffness around a muscle you worked out is normal.

You should take notice if joint or muscle stiffness is ever “impairing your ability to walk,” Fredericson said. If that’s the case, you should get in touch with your doctor.

Traditional Heart-Healthy Diet and Medication Adherence in the Norton Sound Region: An 18-Month Telehealth Intervention

What moves you? Physical activity strategies in older women