Laurie Orlov
Founder, Aging in Place Technology Watch
Laurie is a tech industry veteran, writer, speaker and elder care advocate. She is the founder of Aging in Place Technology Watch — a market research firm that provides thought leadership, analysis and guidance about technologies and services that enable boomers and seniors to remain longer in their home of choice. Previously, Laurie spent many years in the technology industry, first in IT, including as a CIO, and then 9 years as a leading industry analyst at Forrester Research. While there, she was often the first in the industry to identify technology trends and management strategies. She is a regular speaker on the business of technology for boomers and seniors, and has been quoted or interviewed in a variety of print and broadcast media. In addition to her technology background and years as a technology industry analyst, Laurie has served as a volunteer long-term care ombudsman and is certified in Geriatric Care Management from the University of Florida.