Health Buzz: Grandmother’s Smoking Associated With Grandchildren’s Autism Spectrum Disorder

There’s no shortage of guidance around the dangers of smoking cigarettes – but this latest finding could prompt further scrutiny of the practice. A University of Bristol study, published in Scientific Reports, found that if a girl’s maternal grandmother smoked while pregnant, she gave her granddaughter a 67 percent higher chance of showing signs associated with autism, such as poor social communication and repetitive behaviors. She also gave all her grandchildren a 53 percent higher risk of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

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Smoking Causes Long-Term Damage to Your DNA, Study Finds

Here’s one more reason to kick your smoking habit: A new study has found that cigarette smoking leads to disease-causing DNA damage that can last more than 30 years after a person quits. The study involved blood samples from more than 16,000 people, including current and former smokers and people who had never smoked.

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Putting a Number on Smoking’s Toll

It is often said that smoking takes years off your life, and now a new study shows just how many: Longtime smokers can expect to lose about 10 years of life expectancy.

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